Formula Junior QD32
電競椅Formula Junior適合身形: 身高170cm以下/ 標準身形
承重: 100kg
- 面料:PU
- 扶手:高度可調節
- 底盤:可傾仰
- 腳座:尼龍五星腳
- 保養:1年上門保養
Drifting Series gaming chair is suitable for:upto 170cm in height, thin to standard body
Capacity: 100kg
- Upholster: PU
- Armrest: adjustable in height
- Mechanism: conventional tilt
- Base: Nylon base
- Warranty: 1 year
送貨安排/ Delivery
香港-凡選購滿HKD500,均可享免費送貨。離島附加費:馬灣:$50、東涌及愉景灣: $250; 其他離島暫不設送貨服務。葵涌貨櫃碼頭附加費:HKD380。
With the order more than HKD500, we deliver the order to HKSAR* with free of charge.
* Additional charge is required to :
- Ma Wan - HKD50
- Tung Chung and Discovery Bay - HKD250
- Kwai Chung Container Terminal (No1~10) - HKD380
- Outer Islands - not supported currently.